Dan HomePhysique
Dan HomePhysique's Channel
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Dan HomePhysique
- Natural Home Powerlifting and Strength Training -

Home Physique is an ongoing project to show my Body Transformation from a 230lb fat blob into a competing Natural Amateur Bodybuilder / Powerlifter... or "Powerbuilder".

- Motivation through Body Transformation -

This channel is dedicated to motivating and inspiring others to achieve their goals and offers free tips and information on exercises, routines and nutrition guides along with showing all of my progression sessions.

- Supplement Reviews -

I review Pre Workouts, Fat Burners, Protein Bars and Powders along with various other sports supplements with a no bullshit approach.


I am in no way shape or form a professional coach or giver of professional advice nor do I try to be. Information in my videos is taken as is and is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose any conditions. Consult with your physician first before starting any routine or diet. You do so at your own risk.
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