Mad Sounds
Mad Sounds's Channel
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Mad Sounds
Biweekly music podcast. Reviews, interviews & other whatevers.

Most episodes feature myself (Mark) & recurring co-host Johnny (both occasional YouTube music reviewers & aspiring musicians), sometimes with a guest. Alternating between planned-out segments & more free-flowing convos. Not being afraid to go down a rabbit hole if one comes up. Tackling topics in or outside of the music world which we genuinely find entertaining. There may be a hot topic with a hotter take, but we don't have a quota on those. Previous guests include fellow reviewers (ARTV, The Rock Critic, ACriticNamedKevin), music writers (Riley Rowe of Metal Injection) & artists that need more exposure (Tom Hummer, 256 Pi, Daybreaker). Everything past Ep. 15 is also available on iTunes, the most convenient way to listen.

Follow me on Twitter @SpinItReviews for updates!
Check out my own music on the Fully Involved channel linked on the right!

(PS: know my most viewed videos are far worse than what I'm doing now.)
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