The Wonky Angle
Name's Tommy. I do electronic music album reviews, both new albums and old ones. Not trying to be too professional, just a random dorky looking guy casually expressing his biased personal opinions on albums you may or may not have heard of before. Warning: may contain small amounts of corniness and large amounts of mispronunciations. May contain some strong language very occasionally but not that often.
The channel's name comes from the fact that I have an odd taste in music (in that I'm an American millenial/Gen Z guy who is into 90s British techno and ambient and that kind of stuff) and I will be giving you a perspective on music that's kinda different from most people's. Also it comes from a fusion of the names of Orbital's eighth album "Wonky" and Hybrid's first album "Wide Angle". Both of which I think are pretty great.
The channel's name comes from the fact that I have an odd taste in music (in that I'm an American millenial/Gen Z guy who is into 90s British techno and ambient and that kind of stuff) and I will be giving you a perspective on music that's kinda different from most people's. Also it comes from a fusion of the names of Orbital's eighth album "Wonky" and Hybrid's first album "Wide Angle". Both of which I think are pretty great.
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