Welcome to my page about my two pets; Tino the bichon, and Milo the siamese.
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Tino's Dogster:
Milo's Catster:
• He's a purebred Bichon frise
• 1 year old
• B-day- 11/27/09
Arrival Story:
Originally, we were set on a cockapoo ( cockerspaniel + poodle) from when we saw this adorable cockapoo at our Christmas Eve party. One of us actually grew up with bichons, so we decided that it'd be great for us to get a bichon frise instead. When we were out to lunch at Jimmy Johns we saw a family owned ( safe and not puppy mills) pet store right next door. Hoping to find some toys for Milo, we walked right in. A worker there gave us this all-black minature poodle unexpectedly. We then told her that we were kind of looking for a bichon, so she says "One minute." After that minute, she comes back with a cute little bichon frise puppy and says "Okay let's switch dogs" What do ya know? The next day we came back and took him home.
• He's a purebred Siamese cat
• Born May 20, 2007
• Three years old
Arrival Story:
At my mother's birthday party, we went outside and saw this adorable orange tabby kitten. He loved us and purred like crazy. We didnt know if he was a stray or belonged to someone, so we let him go thinking he would return home. 5 seconds after that, he came straight back. We then made a little home outside with some cat food, water, and a bed. The next day we decided that we would keep him if he didn't already go home. We called my grandparents only to hear the bad news that he has been adopted by the neighbors (because the kitten went into their backyard and they fell in love). We were very sad :( . . . Then my grandpa called my mother and told her to come pick out a kitten for her late birthday present. We ended up with Milo. (:
Thanks For Reading and be sure to check our videos. ♥
Tino's Dogster:
Milo's Catster:
• He's a purebred Bichon frise
• 1 year old
• B-day- 11/27/09
Arrival Story:
Originally, we were set on a cockapoo ( cockerspaniel + poodle) from when we saw this adorable cockapoo at our Christmas Eve party. One of us actually grew up with bichons, so we decided that it'd be great for us to get a bichon frise instead. When we were out to lunch at Jimmy Johns we saw a family owned ( safe and not puppy mills) pet store right next door. Hoping to find some toys for Milo, we walked right in. A worker there gave us this all-black minature poodle unexpectedly. We then told her that we were kind of looking for a bichon, so she says "One minute." After that minute, she comes back with a cute little bichon frise puppy and says "Okay let's switch dogs" What do ya know? The next day we came back and took him home.
• He's a purebred Siamese cat
• Born May 20, 2007
• Three years old
Arrival Story:
At my mother's birthday party, we went outside and saw this adorable orange tabby kitten. He loved us and purred like crazy. We didnt know if he was a stray or belonged to someone, so we let him go thinking he would return home. 5 seconds after that, he came straight back. We then made a little home outside with some cat food, water, and a bed. The next day we decided that we would keep him if he didn't already go home. We called my grandparents only to hear the bad news that he has been adopted by the neighbors (because the kitten went into their backyard and they fell in love). We were very sad :( . . . Then my grandpa called my mother and told her to come pick out a kitten for her late birthday present. We ended up with Milo. (:
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