KimmeseBSOD Official (This ytc isn't activate)
KimmeseBSOD Official (This ytc isn't activate)'s Channel
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KimmeseBSOD Official (This ytc isn't activate)
KimmeseBSOD Official (This ytc isn't activate)
-Welcome To My channel Join my youtube BSOD in 2021, Today is Thanks you subscribe, Like, Watching, and comment.
Please Subscribe, Share, Comment, and ring the bell to receive notifications.Thanks for watching
Target : 2000 subcribes
User Name game roblox: BSODChampaH (Trecon_2006)
Name discord: (I temple No having discord because my main discord isn't activate)
-PC Specs Gigabyte H61M - DS2 4.0
RAM 2 GB (Used 1,90GB)
SSD (C:\) 120GB
HDD (D:\) 240GB
Procesor Intel Pentium G2030 @3.00Ghz 2.99Ghz
BIOS: legacy
My Phone (Ipad): Samsung Tab A 2019
-Introduct Yourself
My Name is Kimmese | Hoang Trung
Age: 12
Country: VietNam
Speaking: English and Vietnamese
My Birthday: 16 April 2012

Always! Enjoy

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