I'm your average, dorky, gingy of a guy doing Let's Plays. I really enjoy retro games, so you can expect a ton of older gaming content to be played through. I'm not opposed to playing modern games; in fact it's possible I may choose to eventually play more modern games.
Current Projects:
Yoshi's Island
Life can be pretty crazy sometimes, but that's okay. A little rocky adventure can go a long way in leaving behind treasured memories for keepsake. Never lose hope, no matter how grim circumstances may seem. If you have a bad day, week, month, or year, just remember to inhale...exhale...inhale...exhale. If you did that, you've just demonstrated breathing manually, and taken the first step to keeping an ounce of sanity left to survive the rough patch you're in. Best of luck to you all, and I love you. Peace!
Current Projects:
Yoshi's Island
Life can be pretty crazy sometimes, but that's okay. A little rocky adventure can go a long way in leaving behind treasured memories for keepsake. Never lose hope, no matter how grim circumstances may seem. If you have a bad day, week, month, or year, just remember to inhale...exhale...inhale...exhale. If you did that, you've just demonstrated breathing manually, and taken the first step to keeping an ounce of sanity left to survive the rough patch you're in. Best of luck to you all, and I love you. Peace!
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