RushtheFort's Channel
RushtheFort has no videos available.
Hello! We are two best friends, Toderico (Todd) and JustABox (Josh), and this is our Let's Play channel! We like to play a wide variety of games ranging from two-player co-op to single-player action-adventures/fps. We like to chill and hope to make funny jokes to cheer up your day!
So grab a sword, put on your closest piece of metal from your kitchen for a helmet, and rush the fort with us!

Capture Card: Hauppauge PVR 2 GE Plus / Hauppauge HD PVR 60 / Genki ShadowPlay
Editing Software: Adobe Premiere Pro CC
Microphone: Blue Microphones Yeti USB Microphone - Silver / BPSH1-Headset
Art Software: CSS Photoshop 2015 (New Thumbnails)

Art by Josh
Video Edits by Todd & Clare
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