Win or Lose, It's Just A Game
I use this channel to upload my WiFi battles and every once in a while post random videos from my daily life. I try and battle everyone who challenges me, but keep in mind I also have a personal life so if it takes a couple of days to battle me, please be patient. I don't go over the 510 max Ev's nor do I use illegal move sets. If you want to battle me than by all means add me on skype, if you do please leave a message saying that you would like to battle me, it would also be nice if you left the name of your youtube channel, that is if you have one. I play by smogon tiers, and unless otherwise stated all battles shall follow smogon tiers.
Sleep Clause
No Hax Items
Species Clause
Evasion Clause
OHKO Clause
No Hacked Pokemon that are impossible to obtain through normal game play. (No illegal move sets or going above the 510 Total Max Ev's
I use this channel to upload my WiFi battles and every once in a while post random videos from my daily life. I try and battle everyone who challenges me, but keep in mind I also have a personal life so if it takes a couple of days to battle me, please be patient. I don't go over the 510 max Ev's nor do I use illegal move sets. If you want to battle me than by all means add me on skype, if you do please leave a message saying that you would like to battle me, it would also be nice if you left the name of your youtube channel, that is if you have one. I play by smogon tiers, and unless otherwise stated all battles shall follow smogon tiers.
Sleep Clause
No Hax Items
Species Clause
Evasion Clause
OHKO Clause
No Hacked Pokemon that are impossible to obtain through normal game play. (No illegal move sets or going above the 510 Total Max Ev's
Friends (12)
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