XSquare StickIt
XSquare StickIt's Channel
XSquare StickIt has no videos available.
XSquare StickIt
Oh my gosh. Someone is actually reading the channel description.

DO NOT MESSEGE ME ON YOUTUBE ASKING FOR A BATTLE! Scheduled matches suck, especially with YT's fail mail. This includes channel comments. If you want a battle with me, please add me on any of the IM names listed below. Failure to comply will result in me simply ignoring your message. Yes, I'm that mean.

Now that that's out of the way, we can get down to how you can actually challenge me, mr unpopular and unskilled and won't get you any fame nor fortune. It's quite simple really. Messaging me on Youtube is out of the window, and I'm not the type that feels that I need a Facebook fan page just to keep in touch with my rapidly shrinking fanbase that feels like 5 people now. That said, if you still want to challenge me, my IM adresses are listed below, listed from the most used (almost all the time) to the least used (har har har you must be so bored or desperate to expand your contacts list by adding me). And from there, we can talk, and you can ask for a battle. I'll do any tier. Just make sure you specify how serious you want the match to be. As you can probably tell my seriousity meter is either totally on or totally off, and by default it's off. So most of the time I'm just goofing around with pokes I like and want to use.

I do not accept random friend requests. Don't even try to add me as a friend unless I know you somehow. Etc in real life, or we talked or had a match before. I don't see the point of calling some random stranger my friend when we won't even talk.

Skype: XSquareStickIt
MSN: XSquareStickIt@live.com
AIM: XSquareStickIt

Backup channel of death:

"Organisations" I'm part of: The Pokemon NeverUsed Federation.

I'm 17 this year (2011), not that my age is relevant to anything. Unless you're a paedophile, in which case I'd quite like to keep my distance from you, thank you very much.
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