SFO Arcade VODs
SFO Arcade VODs's Channel
SFO Arcade VODs has no videos available.
SFO Arcade VODs
SFOArcade is a YouTube show where the crew from the "Short Fat Otaku" YouTube channel get together and play video games! We play pretty much every single type of game, no platform or genre excluded! The videos that go up here are recorded LIVE. You can tune in to multiple locations to watch live!


I have a P.O. Box! Mail me your junk!

Devo SFO
P.O. Box 21011
Lockerby Post Office
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
Postal Code: P3E 6G6

----- Q&A -----

Q: What games are you currently playing?

A: A lot of them! Generally the featured playlists get regularly updated, though.

Q: Will you play a game on request?

A: Sure, with a caveat. There's generally a priority list regarding what games we play, and it goes as follows: Holiday games, New releases, Games purchased by fans, Games requested by fans without a purchase by them

Q: Who's Dave Nicks?

A: Nobody.
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