Devtrospective's Channel
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Hi, I'm Dev, and on this channel I give my thoughts on stuff. There's a lot wrong with the world at the moment, and I don't really have any way to affect political change other than making videos on pertinent topics, so I'll do what I can. My political position is a liberal centrist, somewhat libertarian - I believe that free western capitalist democracy is the best political system we have, and that it's under attack from all sides, from religious extremists, progressives, regressives, on both ends of the political spectrum. If you're expecting me to either be alt-right, or a socialist, you're going to be very disappointed.

I also do projects under other names, like the SFO anime reviews, my Dev Kit unboxings and tech talk, and my Game Boomers gaming channel. They're all in the "Channels" tab, so check 'em out!


Minecraft Server @


Send Me Garbage @
Dev Trospective
P.O. Box 21011
Lockerby Post Office
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
Postal Code: P3E 6G6

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