Not sure why you're here at a dead channel, but hello.
I was a member of Arcadia Comms and a co-founder of Organized Chaos, two minor video game commentary groups. I'm afraid both groups are now defunct and I am no longer a content creator, so what you still see here is all there is.
I occasionally update my Touhou remix lists with new releases, and have a list of several channels I follow down below. Thanks for stopping by. Sorry you stumbled onto a dead dud.
I was a member of Arcadia Comms and a co-founder of Organized Chaos, two minor video game commentary groups. I'm afraid both groups are now defunct and I am no longer a content creator, so what you still see here is all there is.
I occasionally update my Touhou remix lists with new releases, and have a list of several channels I follow down below. Thanks for stopping by. Sorry you stumbled onto a dead dud.
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