I'm an average Touhou player who decided "Hey, let's post all this stuff online and maybe help others get into the series". I aim for a consistent supply of content once a week on Mondays, plus I play fanmade single stage danmakufu scripts on the 1st and 15th of each month.
Though if you ever need to contact me, _please_ do not use Youtube's messaging system (it does not notify me).
Instead, messaging me on Discord is probably the best bet. I'm MegamanOmega#0415 and I'm on the Touhou and Len'en Discord servers. That way I can grantee I'll see your message.
Though if you don't have Discord, leaving a comment on my videos or emailing me at will also get my attention (most of the time... Youtube's been really iffy lately about notifying or even _showing_ everything everyone says)
Though if you ever need to contact me, _please_ do not use Youtube's messaging system (it does not notify me).
Instead, messaging me on Discord is probably the best bet. I'm MegamanOmega#0415 and I'm on the Touhou and Len'en Discord servers. That way I can grantee I'll see your message.
Though if you don't have Discord, leaving a comment on my videos or emailing me at will also get my attention (most of the time... Youtube's been really iffy lately about notifying or even _showing_ everything everyone says)
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