♥•✿ڿڰۣ The Prayer Garden
♥•✿ڿڰۣ WeLcOmE To tHe pRaYeR GaRdEn
♥•✿ڿڰۣ A PlAcE Of pRaYeR, lOvE, CaRe, cOmPaSsIoN & TrAnQuIlItY WhErE YoU CaN ReQuEsT PrAyEr fOr wHaTeVeR NeEd yOu hAvE FoR YoUrSeLf oR LoVeD OnEs...iN ThIs hUrTiNg wOrLd tHeRe iS So mUcH SaDnEsS, pAiN, DePrEsSiOn, FeAr & PrAyEr iS WhAt iS NeEdEd fIrStLy nOt lAsTlY...
♥•✿ڿڰۣ fAtHeR Of aLl gArDeNeRs, We tHaNk tHeE ThAt iN ThE LoNg aGo tHoU DiDsT BeGiN ThE WoRlD In a gArDeN. wE ThAnK ThEe fOr tHe mOrNiNg aNd tHe sInGiNg oF ThE BiRd. We tHaNk tHeE FoR ThE QuIeT PeAcE Of eVeNiNg tIdE AnD ThE BlEsSiNg oF SlEeP WhIcH CoMeS WiTh tHe nIgHt. As wE RiSe iN ThE MoRnInG To wOrK On oUr gArDeNs, GrAnT ThAt tHe tOiL Of oUr bOdIeS, mAy bRiNg tRaNqUiLiTy tO OuR MiNdS. tHaT ThE GrOwTh oF OuR PlAnTiNgS Be aMpLiFiEd iN ThE GrOwTh oF OuR SoUlS.ThAt tHe fRuIt oF OuR TrEeS Be tHe pErFeCt aTtAiNmEnT, tHe cRoWiNg gLoRy oF A LiFe dEdIcAtEd tO ThEe ♥•✿ڿڰۣ
♥•✿ڿڰۣ LoVe aNd bLeSsInGs tO AlL...RaChAeL ♥•✿ڿڰۣ
♥•✿ڿڰۣ A PlAcE Of pRaYeR, lOvE, CaRe, cOmPaSsIoN & TrAnQuIlItY WhErE YoU CaN ReQuEsT PrAyEr fOr wHaTeVeR NeEd yOu hAvE FoR YoUrSeLf oR LoVeD OnEs...iN ThIs hUrTiNg wOrLd tHeRe iS So mUcH SaDnEsS, pAiN, DePrEsSiOn, FeAr & PrAyEr iS WhAt iS NeEdEd fIrStLy nOt lAsTlY...
♥•✿ڿڰۣ fAtHeR Of aLl gArDeNeRs, We tHaNk tHeE ThAt iN ThE LoNg aGo tHoU DiDsT BeGiN ThE WoRlD In a gArDeN. wE ThAnK ThEe fOr tHe mOrNiNg aNd tHe sInGiNg oF ThE BiRd. We tHaNk tHeE FoR ThE QuIeT PeAcE Of eVeNiNg tIdE AnD ThE BlEsSiNg oF SlEeP WhIcH CoMeS WiTh tHe nIgHt. As wE RiSe iN ThE MoRnInG To wOrK On oUr gArDeNs, GrAnT ThAt tHe tOiL Of oUr bOdIeS, mAy bRiNg tRaNqUiLiTy tO OuR MiNdS. tHaT ThE GrOwTh oF OuR PlAnTiNgS Be aMpLiFiEd iN ThE GrOwTh oF OuR SoUlS.ThAt tHe fRuIt oF OuR TrEeS Be tHe pErFeCt aTtAiNmEnT, tHe cRoWiNg gLoRy oF A LiFe dEdIcAtEd tO ThEe ♥•✿ڿڰۣ
♥•✿ڿڰۣ LoVe aNd bLeSsInGs tO AlL...RaChAeL ♥•✿ڿڰۣ
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