♥•✿ڿڰۣ WeLcOmE!!...My cHaNnEl iS DeDiCaTeD To tHe cHrIsTiAn mEsSaGe oF FaItH, hOpE AnD LoVe...fOuNd tHrOuGh jEsUs cHrIsT!!! We aRe lIvInG In tHe tImE Of tHe eNd aNd iT Is iMpErAtIvE ThAt tHe tRuTh oF GoD'S WoRd rEaChEs tHe mUlTiTuDeS FoR ThE TiMe oF JuDgEmEnT AwAiTs aNd iS CoMiNg!!...mY ChAnNeL Is aLsO DeDiCaTeD To oVeRcOmInG ObStAcLeS WhIcH Is vErY ClOsE To mY HeArT As i mYsElF BaTtLeD WiTh, BuT WaS DeLiVeReD FrOm sEvErE DePrEsSiOn aNd wItChCrAfT...I HaVe tHe pRiViLeGe oF BeInG An eDuCaToR AnD MeNtOr dEdIcAtEd tO MaKiNg a dIfFeReNcE In tHe lIvEs oF ChIlDrEn, I TeAcH EtIqUeTtE AlSo aNd i aPpReCiAtE AlL ThInGs oF BeAuTy aNd gRaCe...aS A MoThEr i aLsO ApPrEcIaTe tHe bEaUtY Of pArEnThOoD!!...jOhN 1:14 tHe wOrD BeCaMe fLeSh aNd mAdE HiS DwElLiNg aMoNg uS. wE HaVe sEeN HiS GlOrY, tHe gLoRy oF ThE OnE AnD OnLy, WhO CaMe fRoM ThE FaThEr, FuLl oF GrAcE AnD TrUtH...MaY GoD BlEsS YoU AbUnDaNtLy aNd iF YoU DoN'T KnOw hIm, SeEk hIm!!! ♥•✿ڿڰۣ
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