Nilly896's Channel
Nilly896 has no videos available.
Hi, I'm Nilly896!

I make Nintendo content videos, specifically Wii, Wii U, 3DS and Switch Gameplays. I play games like the Wii Series, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Mario Party, and other games I like to play. I also create highlights with friends that are hilarious to watch.

I'm also part of a group channel called Team863, be sure to check it out and support the channel.

If you want to find me or play me, you can do so by adding my friend code or ID below. I'm gonna try and make some updates here from this description of when I'm clearing my friends list. The numbers below tell you how many people I've added.

NNID for Wii U: Niily896 (82/100)
3DS Friend Code: 0963-3753-5522 (100/100)
Switch Friend Code: SW-0386-1242-4529 (255/300)

I have created a Pretendo Account for both my 3DS and Wii U. Below are the new friend codes.

PNID for Wii U: Nilly896 (43/100)
Primary 3DS Friend Code (Pretendo): 3709-9276-4820 (28/100)
Secondary 3DS Friend Code (Pretendo): 2418-8697-2657 (21/100)
Channel Comments
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