Felipe Bravo
Welcome to my Youtube's first channel. Over playthroughs, unboxings, etc.
Capture Card: El Gato Game Capture HD60 X (Nintendo Switch) with without editing videos, ElGato Game Capture HD60 S (Nintendo Switch and Nintendo Wii U) with editing videos, ElGato Game Capture HD60 S use Wii2HDMI (Nintendo Wii and Nintendo GameCube). Katsukity's 3DS Capture Card (Nintendo 3DS).
Partnered with BroadbandTV (TGN) (August 5, 2015).
Editing videos with Game Capture HD (ElGato Game Capture HD60 S only) and Sony Vegas Pro 18.0 (Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Wii and Nintendo GameCube only).
Software and streaming with OBS Studio.
Capture Card: El Gato Game Capture HD60 X (Nintendo Switch) with without editing videos, ElGato Game Capture HD60 S (Nintendo Switch and Nintendo Wii U) with editing videos, ElGato Game Capture HD60 S use Wii2HDMI (Nintendo Wii and Nintendo GameCube). Katsukity's 3DS Capture Card (Nintendo 3DS).
Partnered with BroadbandTV (TGN) (August 5, 2015).
Editing videos with Game Capture HD (ElGato Game Capture HD60 S only) and Sony Vegas Pro 18.0 (Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Wii and Nintendo GameCube only).
Software and streaming with OBS Studio.
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