Rainydays & Rainbows
Rainydays & Rainbows's Channel
Rainydays & Rainbows has no videos available.
Rainydays & Rainbows
Rainydays & Rainbows
Hi, I'm Rainy, a casual, gamer. I created this channel to share games that I love, and hopefully give some helpful tips along the way. Life responsibilities and computer issues have taken me away from regularly uploading videos, but if I get an idea to share, I'm sure I'll post more in the future.

I recently started livestreaming on Twitch at CozyHeartGaming. I also started a new YouTube channel to match it. You are welcome to sub there where you'll find my Twitch live stream schedule in the community tab. My links are on my homepage for you if you'd like to check them out.

I don't upload videos regularly as life is just busy and unpredictable. My channels are for fun and when I get inspired to share something, I do.

**Graphics, Thumbnails, Logo, & Background Created using Canva, IPad/Procreate/Powerpoint**

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