CozyHeartGaming's Channel
CozyHeartGaming has no videos available.
Just a place to share my twitch livestreams and perhaps other videos. I'm happy to see you leave a kind comment, like, subscribe, and share! Thank you! If you'd like to check out my twitch channel where I livestream, please click on the link on my page. This is a new YT channel that I decided to use to connect my Twitch with, so I'll be adding more content in time.

Graphics and Designs were created by me using procreate/Ipad Canva & Powerpoint. Videos edited using Canva & Clipchamp. My new theme music for this channel is by the talented Ryan Cobb, however I have used music from YouTube audio library in some videos, and you'll find the artist names in the description of those videos.

You are also welcome to check out my other YouTube channel, Rainydays & Rainbows (see link below) where I post cozy game videos that I don't livestream. You are welcome to subscribe to that channel as well!

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