Miracle Tiger
Miracle Tiger's Channel
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Miracle Tiger
Hello everybody!

I'm a simple gamer from Quebec, Canada and I just enjoy spending my time without any stress. I've gone a long time without producing content, just being a good consumer of it, and instead now I'll start making some. I hope you enjoy what I do! Leave any comment, like or subscribe on the appropriate videos if you so choose to do.

I guess I'm pretty prolific too! It won't be rare to see me upload a bunch of videos all at once. Most of those, if not all will always be gaming content, with varying genres. The only ones I won't really touch are anything related to "player versus player" content, but for anything else, I'll give it a look!

If you want to support me, simply viewing my videos is fine, but if you want to do more, then make sure to like, comment and subscribe. These boost the videos in the Youtube algorithms and tremendously help me!

Currently, I'm in a bit of a long break, but someday, I may make more videos.

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