Bormac's Channel
Bormac has no videos available.
So, I guess it is time I update this. I've been at it for quite awhile now.

So, what is this channel about? Well, obviously Let's Plays. Just my nerdy little hobby that you, my very cool viewers seem to enjoy watching. Something I am quite grateful for!

You guys have become a big part of my life. I've enjoyed these years of sharing my oddball sense of humor with each and every one of you. Comments, I am grateful for and I make an effort to reply to each and every one of them.

Anyway, new people. What can you expect from me? Sarcasm and lame jokes. Me experiencing frustration and annoyance, as the games provide them. And..hopefully some genuinely good moments as well.
Well, I guess that'll do. You all take care. : }
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