Hello fellow gamers and Youtubers DoomMastermind1985 here, and welcome to my channel, I am a 30 year old female who likes to do videos in my spare time, on this channel you will find a verity of videogame playthroughs, most commonly of the PC game Doom from ID software and the source port that I'm using is GZDOOM 2.0.05, feel free to check them out and also feel free to comment, like, and or subscribe to my channel if your interested on seeing more of my videos, and the software im using to capture the gameplay videos is Bandicam
Keep on Dooming-
5 Subs - April 18, 2013
10 Subs - May 5, 2013
15 Subs - June 19, 2013
20 Subs - August 31, 2013
25 Subs - December 5, 2013
30 Subs - February 24, 2014
35 Subs - July 5, 2014
40 Subs - September 2, 2014
45 Subs - December 13, 2014
50 Subs - January 31, 2015
55 Subs - June 9, 2015
60 Subs - August 16, 2015
Keep on Dooming-
5 Subs - April 18, 2013
10 Subs - May 5, 2013
15 Subs - June 19, 2013
20 Subs - August 31, 2013
25 Subs - December 5, 2013
30 Subs - February 24, 2014
35 Subs - July 5, 2014
40 Subs - September 2, 2014
45 Subs - December 13, 2014
50 Subs - January 31, 2015
55 Subs - June 9, 2015
60 Subs - August 16, 2015
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