44DemonSlayer's Channel
44DemonSlayer has no videos available.
Hails! I am 44DemonSlayer and welcome to my Doom channel i am a big fan of Doom i have played it since i was 5 back on snes im a pretty nice guy if you want to talk lets hear it im also a big Anime Fan Sports fan Horror movie fan part time fanfic writer etc. All my vids consist of Commentary that some might like and some might dislike but hey it happens no ones perfect.. Instead of reading this shit why dont you check out my vids i do nightmare Speedruns along with playthroughs and walkthroughs so hopefully i can help those who are stuck on a level. Enjoy
Currently doing a blind playthrough of Concerned
Playthroughs on hold:
Doom the way ID Did
Completed playthroughs:
Ultimate Doom (No Commentary)
Doom 2 Hell on Earth
Doom the UAC labs (No Commentary)
Final Doom TNT Evilution
Final Doom The Plutonia Experiment
Doom 3
Doom on SNES
Doom 3 Resurrection of Evil
Ultimate Doom redo
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