gamesbloke's Channel
gamesbloke has no videos available.
My random collection of videos detailing my video games/computers/life/stuff/whatever. I usually let the stuff do the talking but occasionally I might actually say something useful/relevant/whatever. I am interesting like that.

DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that I 'Point & Shoot' because I just want you, the viewer, to experience the game/chat/whatever plainly and simply as if you were watching it in the same room and that includes mistakes, rambling chats and stupidity. Why? Because thats who I am. I script nothing and I feel that its important to have a sense of realism. I am not a TV presenter and never will be. I am just a regular(ish), occasionally crazy man. My opinions are my own etc. If I am doing it wrong, comment. If I am doing it right, do the same. I am always looking to improve.

Who the shit is gonna watch me on their telly? :-D
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