Matt Barton
Matt Barton's Channel
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Matt Barton
Matt Chat is a YouTube show hosted and produced by Dr. Matt Barton, a professor at St. Cloud State University in Minnesota. Author of several books on the history of videogames, Matt is among the best-known academics studying videogames today.

This channel is for game developers, especially those making CRPG (computer role-playing games) and Adventure Games. If you want to know the stories behind games like Ultima, Wizardry, or Quest for Glory, you'll love my content. The show is supported directly by fans via Patreon.

"I think these are the most definitive interviews with me so far. One of the most pleasant interviews I've ever been in." -- George "The Fat Man" Sanger

"Matt, after plenty of requests, this was the first interview given in about 15 years. I thought you did a great job with the interview. Pleased so many people found it informative. Thanks for the opportunity to speak my mind to your fans." -- Robert Sirotek
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