honeyphan's Channel
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Here you will find clips of the dark soap Port Charles (1997- 2003), and Jammy's story (Guiding Light). All playlists are in order. The Port Charles soap goes as follows:

*PC- 1997 - Gen Hom Mystery (98), 1999, 2000
*Time in a Bottle
*Tainted Love
*Miracles Happen
*Naked Eyes
*The Gift

Please note, this is a work in progress.

Also, if you like music vids, visit my channel- honeyphan2 (shown below) - to see my music vids of Calivia, Rali, Phantom of the Opera, Wuthering Heights (2009), Outlander (Jamie & Claire), The Vampire Diaries, Beauty and the Beast (Leon/Bella), Once Upon a Time, The White Queen, Jammy, & much more!

You may download my PC clips for making your music vids. (Please give credit to me for the clips since I did all the work to get them up here). :)

Have a great day or night! Enjoy! :)
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