StolenFanVideos's Channel
StolenFanVideos has no videos available.
Had a fanmade music video stolen? This channel will help. Please sub & join the fight. Together we can help each other! If your vid was stolen- contact us by sending a PM:

Include the URLs of the stolen video & the original video.

Steps to fight back:

1) Go to thief's video. Politely ask them to take down vid. Flag it as spam/fraud it & rate as a dislike. Then block them so they don't harass you. Some are not true thieves, they're new & don't know better. Always be polite.
You can also PM and comment the person's channel and ask them to remove what they stole.

2) Support those who've been stolen from by going to their videos- (the original is shown in note of playlist) - and giving support however you wish. Even just a thumbs up on the original vid is a support to them.

We're keeping all deleted videos shown from now on- check playlist to see our success! :) (Add 29 to what's shown for total of all that thieves deleted.) Although some are gone because the channels were removed. :)
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