Erik craft
Erik craft's Channel
Erik craft has no videos available.
Erik craft
Hello I'm Erik, I know I changed the description 9 months later but it doesn't matter, on this channel
I will upload series, random videos, more than anything and other things, I hope you like my content, I spend a lot of time thinking about what to do, so I would appreciate it if you like at least 5 videos and subscribe thanks to you I can make more videos
Thank you for making me achieve these goals:
πŸ…30 subs
πŸ…50 subs
πŸ…70 subs
πŸ…90 subs
πŸ…100 subs
πŸ…120 subs
πŸ…140 subs
πŸ…150 subs
πŸ…160 subs
Goals not achieved:
πŸ₯ˆ180 subs
πŸ₯‰200 subs
1 year on youtube
userid get finish at: 0.00 clean innertube fetch finish at: 0.80 main response parse finish at: 1.30 getAdditionalSections finish at: 2.00 applyHTML finish at: 2.00