icon: im awasome,
Name: Loki
Nickname:Laufey son, Prince of Darkness
age: ageless
gender: male
god: god of mischief, god of tricks
family: why you care *says cold*
- kids:
star - July 9th, 2011, at 10:17 p.m. [eastern time]
r.l.ship:i belong only to meluna.
hair: black
eyes: silver
enemies: many
friends: none
║Gσt A Prσblεm...Sσlνε It!
║Lσst?...Gεt Fσund!
║Think I'm Trippin...Tiε Mч Shσεѕ!
║Cαn't Stαnd Mε...Sit Dσωn!
║Cαn't Fαce Mε...Wεll Turn Arσund!
║Lσvε Mε?...Grεαt!
║Hαtε Mε?...Eνεn Bεttεr!
║Think Im Uglч...Dσn't Lσσк At Mε!
║Dσn't Likε Mч Stчlε...Dσn't Lιкє Yσurѕ!
║Dσn't Knσw Mε... Dσn't Judge Mε!
║Think Yσu Knσw Mε...Yσu Hαvε Nσ Idεα!
Name: Loki
Nickname:Laufey son, Prince of Darkness
age: ageless
gender: male
god: god of mischief, god of tricks
family: why you care *says cold*
- kids:
star - July 9th, 2011, at 10:17 p.m. [eastern time]
r.l.ship:i belong only to meluna.
hair: black
eyes: silver
enemies: many
friends: none
║Gσt A Prσblεm...Sσlνε It!
║Lσst?...Gεt Fσund!
║Think I'm Trippin...Tiε Mч Shσεѕ!
║Cαn't Stαnd Mε...Sit Dσωn!
║Cαn't Fαce Mε...Wεll Turn Arσund!
║Lσvε Mε?...Grεαt!
║Hαtε Mε?...Eνεn Bεttεr!
║Think Im Uglч...Dσn't Lσσк At Mε!
║Dσn't Likε Mч Stчlε...Dσn't Lιкє Yσurѕ!
║Dσn't Knσw Mε... Dσn't Judge Mε!
║Think Yσu Knσw Mε...Yσu Hαvε Nσ Idεα!
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