NateSpidey18's Channel
NateSpidey18 has no videos available.
Welcome to my channel know as NateSpidey18, or just Nate.

I'm a Content Creator of this channel and have a passion on making videos just for fun and entertainment, I also do other things then making videos but i won't go into details.

I also help on High Council Media to edit video and also make videos there, recently I've stated I'm moving my machinima projects over on the High Council Media, where they have a stable studio and the people there are great and I can trust them.
High Council Media:

I do more then make Halo video's which is why i wanna expand to other branch of games such as Dead Space, Spider-Man, Black Ops 3 Zombies and more.

Please Subscribe to this channel, it brings me close to my goal and it inspires me to make content for everyone to enjoy, it'll mean a lot!

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