Серега Сибиряк (Туризм в Сибири)
Серега Сибиряк (Туризм в Сибири)'s Channel
Серега Сибиряк (Туризм в Сибири) has no videos available.
Серега Сибиряк (Туризм в Сибири)
Серега Сибиряк (Туризм в Сибири)
Invite you to the world of camp life is Hiking and alloys as well as fishing,related,interesting stories,stories around the campfire and just tips experienced tourists taiga men. Video is shot in the Kemerovo region,Gornaya Shoria, Khakassia, mountain Altai. Colorful landscapes will not leave you indifferent waiting for you on my channel Campaigns,alloys,taiga.Siberia - your Serge Siberian !!!
A huge thank you to all those involved in the development of the channel. Thanks to You, new stories and projects.
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