Tatiana Gordeeva
Tatiana Gordeeva's Channel
Tatiana Gordeeva has no videos available.
Tatiana Gordeeva
Here you will see many types of tourism: ecotourism, mountain, water, industrial, cultural. New tourist destinations: backpacking, bushcraft. Active, independent, pedestrian tourism with survival in the wild.

Look in my videos on foot solo trips with overnight stays in the forest. Joint trips in the mountains and the sea. Beauty of nature and reviews of tourist equipment. Construction of shelters in the wild. Study of edible plants, mushrooms.

Learn from my videos about camping food and cooking recipes at the stake. What are the stoves and burners. How to cook on fire. What kind of food is best for hiking.

Friends, if you like my work, and you want to financially support the development of the channel, use:

Yandex.Money: 410011082125934
WebMoney: R231930614517, Z398717205577
Sberbank card: 4276 8520 1389 4343

Money will go for equipment, hiking, creating new videos. Thanks for the help!

Second channel: https://goo.gl/8jsSQg
Group Vkontakte: https://goo.gl/k2E5VS
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