Jamestube 8439
Jamestube 8439's Channel
Jamestube 8439 has no videos available.
Jamestube 8439
Hello and welcome to my YouTube Channel! My name is James and I love to make videos for YouTube! I have a few interests in the technology and mechanical field. Here's a brief explanation of them: I am an elevator enthusiast which means I study how elevators work and identify brands and models. I post elevator videos the most since most of my viewers are also elevator enthusiasts. Some other interests I have are clocks, video games, other tech and mechanics, and more. For more information about my videos, check out my website. A link to it is posted down below in the link section.

Other Information:
Subscriber Specials - Movies that I release when I hit a certain amount of subscribers, the movie will be a normal video type I make and will normally be 45 min to 1 hour 15 min.
Vacation Movies - Movies I make when I travel somewhere.

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