Ohio Elevators by Zoe
Ohio Elevators by Zoe's Channel
Ohio Elevators by Zoe has no videos available.
Ohio Elevators by Zoe
Ohio Elevators by Zoe
Elevator's are my favorite machine and they make me happy and I also know a lot

Channel rules
1. Keep it clean in the comments (kids also watch this channel)
2. Be nice and positive
3. Don’t bully anyone
4. Don’t spam
5. Don’t ask for moderator
6. No back Seat moderating

Result in losing moderator A: provoking bad behavior B: being lazy on your job
Results in time out A: Breaking the rules once or twice B: not listening to instructions
Results in temporary ban A: spamming chats such as live chat or comment section B: Breaking the rules more than twice
Results in permanently ban A: swearing in live chat or comment section B: bullying channel user or other viewers
Channel Comments
There are no comments for this user.
userid get finish at: 0.00 clean innertube fetch finish at: 1.20 main response parse finish at: 1.50 getAdditionalSections finish at: 2.00 applyHTML finish at: 2.00