MML's Commentaries
Media about media, art about art. I'm MML and these are my commentaries.
We'll be diving into the media we love and attempt to find some sort of more broadly-applicable meaning out of it all.
The videos made on this channel qualify as transformative work. Consequently, all of them should fall under United States' Fair Use protocol. If a video does use a copyrighted work in a non-transformative manner, it will be noted in the description and any monetization for that video will go to any copyright holder(s) who legally has a right to that material.
We'll be diving into the media we love and attempt to find some sort of more broadly-applicable meaning out of it all.
The videos made on this channel qualify as transformative work. Consequently, all of them should fall under United States' Fair Use protocol. If a video does use a copyrighted work in a non-transformative manner, it will be noted in the description and any monetization for that video will go to any copyright holder(s) who legally has a right to that material.
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