Baikhaw TH
Baikhaw TH's Channel
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Baikhaw TH
★Welcome​ to​ my​ channal​ ig★🤸
My​ name​ is​ Baikhaw​ (But some people like to call me Lanny​ lmao🔫) But​ it's​ okay​ as you are convenient for you to call
☆° Information​ °☆​
✿ I'm​ from​ Thailand​ 🇹🇭
✿ I'm​ Buddhism☸️
✿ My Bday​ is​ on​ 16th May
✿ She/Her
✿ I'm​ not​ good​ english​
✿ Likes to do animation and drawing​ (But​ lazy)​
✿ I​ have​ two​ artstyle​s💅✨ (some​ art​style​ I​ got​ inspiration)​

∆ When posting a clip​ ∆
18:00​ -​ 19:00ื- 20:00​ (in​ my​ country)​

★Do About★
☆ Oc
☆ Fandom
☆ AU
☆ Lore/Backstories​ of​ my​ oc

The project to be done (but probably not finished and cringe)​
∆ Mystery​ To​ Insanity​
∆ Identities's Angel​ and​ Devil (It must have been a very long time​;)​ )​

Warning: The content in this channal​ contains BL00D,​Creepy, G0RE​ And some profanity that is sometimes censored and uncensored

I hope you guys like it and don't expect anything from me🥲

PFP By​ Ikaa animation​👁️👄👁️​
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