Motovlogger since 2006
Raleigh, North Carolina, USA:
This is a Motovlog channel featuring motorcycle riding (2003 Softail Standard, 2005 Road King Classic, 2014 Ultra Classic, 2017 Ultra Limited, 2019 Honda Goldwing Tour DCT, and also a 2021 Kawasaki Z H2 SE).
My motovlogs are not heavily edited. I don’t pander. What you see is what you get: Overweight, middle-aged transplanted Bostonian in Carolina, riding, talking, and sharing my experiences.
Raleigh, North Carolina, USA:
This is a Motovlog channel featuring motorcycle riding (2003 Softail Standard, 2005 Road King Classic, 2014 Ultra Classic, 2017 Ultra Limited, 2019 Honda Goldwing Tour DCT, and also a 2021 Kawasaki Z H2 SE).
My motovlogs are not heavily edited. I don’t pander. What you see is what you get: Overweight, middle-aged transplanted Bostonian in Carolina, riding, talking, and sharing my experiences.
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