Boots and Jeans Riders
Boots and Jeans Riders's Channel
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Boots and Jeans Riders
Boots and Jeans Riders
We are "Full Time" bikers that recently completed a 367 day road trip. With a strong passion for all things that involves motorcycles We share our passion for traveling, knowledge and training in slow skill maneuvers.. in-order inspire others to visit some of the places we've had the pleasure of visiting. Also to help riders improve their skills at every level.
Throughout years, we have ridden to the lower 48 states 4 times, and have taken 12 long distance (coast to coast) trips around the United States, Canada and Alaska.
We have met wonderful people on this journey, and as we tell our story, we are often asked if we had a YouTube channel.

Why "Boots and Jeans Riders"? Well...throughout our travels we visited over 170 National parks and Monuments. While most people are dressed in casual wear, ( shorts, walking shoes, flip flops etc.) we are usually the only two in Motorcycle Boots and Jeans, YES even on beaches. ENJOY!!!
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