I really hate that Hedgehog... I Hate Him, I Hate Him, HATE HIM, HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE, HAAAAAAAAAAAATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Q- Why are you Evil?
A- I Was Born Evil!
Q - Why do you Hate Sonic?
A - Beacuse i'm cool like that XD
Q - Why do you have an IQ of 300?
A - Besides i'm just Awesome!
Q - Do you Hate Mario or just sonic and his friends?
A - Ask a Question thats not Retarded Please!
Age: 50
Birthdate: ???
Eye Color: Black/Red
Type: Evil Scientist
Hobbies: Building Robots
Alignment: Evil
Chaos Emeralds - 7
Super Emeralds - 7
World Rings - 7
Chaos Rings - 6
Red Rings/Coins - 150
Sacred Swords - 1
║║║║╩╣╚╣═╣║║║║║╩╣ TO MY
╚══╩═╩═╩═╩═╩╩╩╩═╝ CHANEL
★★★★★ 5 Star Channel and OFFICIAL©
✔Verified Official ROBOTNIK.✔
Hello there everyone my name is Dr. Ivo Robotnik Juilean Kentobor for short. many of you know me beacuse of my constant role as the Villain in the sonic the hedgehog series once you talk and get to know me i'm not so bad. and i have my Personality from Sonic SatAM but my Looks from AOSTH enjoy the page. BTW i'll always Record Gameplay/Playrhughs on this channel for your personal Intertanment
Jonathangoad1985 (7 minutes ago) Spam Marked as spam TheGreatIvoRobotnik, I'm gonna fucking beat his ass and send him to jail, he just called us FAGGOTS and gay or something, but we are not, you and I are BLESSED upon Jesus by his holy name, we shared great hugs and joy to the world
TheGorillaz4ever (30 minutes ago) Remove | Block User | Spam Marked as spam Dont tell me WOT 2 do bitch! I'll FINK and spell however I want!
superjoey189 (2 hours ago) Remove | Block User | Spam Marked as spam no you lost dum head
mjfsuperstar92 (54 minutes ago) Remove | Block User | Spam Marked as spam try making FRIENDS k?
WorldsOfDigital (11 minutes ago) Remove | Block User | Spam Marked as spam I'm against all fools like you
i sometimes don't need to seek all that far sometimes because people like you are so easy to find
trolls are fools of the world..and I'm hungry
(feed the beast)
I really hate that Hedgehog... I Hate Him, I Hate Him, HATE HIM, HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE, HAAAAAAAAAAAATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Q- Why are you Evil?
A- I Was Born Evil!
Q - Why do you Hate Sonic?
A - Beacuse i'm cool like that XD
Q - Why do you have an IQ of 300?
A - Besides i'm just Awesome!
Q - Do you Hate Mario or just sonic and his friends?
A - Ask a Question thats not Retarded Please!
Age: 50
Birthdate: ???
Eye Color: Black/Red
Type: Evil Scientist
Hobbies: Building Robots
Alignment: Evil
Chaos Emeralds - 7
Super Emeralds - 7
World Rings - 7
Chaos Rings - 6
Red Rings/Coins - 150
Sacred Swords - 1
║║║║╩╣╚╣═╣║║║║║╩╣ TO MY
╚══╩═╩═╩═╩═╩╩╩╩═╝ CHANEL
★★★★★ 5 Star Channel and OFFICIAL©
✔Verified Official ROBOTNIK.✔
Hello there everyone my name is Dr. Ivo Robotnik Juilean Kentobor for short. many of you know me beacuse of my constant role as the Villain in the sonic the hedgehog series once you talk and get to know me i'm not so bad. and i have my Personality from Sonic SatAM but my Looks from AOSTH enjoy the page. BTW i'll always Record Gameplay/Playrhughs on this channel for your personal Intertanment
Jonathangoad1985 (7 minutes ago) Spam Marked as spam TheGreatIvoRobotnik, I'm gonna fucking beat his ass and send him to jail, he just called us FAGGOTS and gay or something, but we are not, you and I are BLESSED upon Jesus by his holy name, we shared great hugs and joy to the world
TheGorillaz4ever (30 minutes ago) Remove | Block User | Spam Marked as spam Dont tell me WOT 2 do bitch! I'll FINK and spell however I want!
superjoey189 (2 hours ago) Remove | Block User | Spam Marked as spam no you lost dum head
mjfsuperstar92 (54 minutes ago) Remove | Block User | Spam Marked as spam try making FRIENDS k?
WorldsOfDigital (11 minutes ago) Remove | Block User | Spam Marked as spam I'm against all fools like you
i sometimes don't need to seek all that far sometimes because people like you are so easy to find
trolls are fools of the world..and I'm hungry
(feed the beast)
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