Gaming Lawyer
Gaming Lawyer's Channel
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Gaming Lawyer
I'm a licensed attorney, but consider myself a gamer first and a lawyer second. I've been live streaming since 2015, but I've basically only kept doing this so long because of the friendships I've made over the years. I'm not trying to grow my channel or be a professional streamer. I stream every Thursday evening starting between 7-8 PM PST and usually go for 3 or 4 hours.

It's mostly the same cast of characters who show up in chat each week, but newcomers are always welcome! Just be prepared for a lot of inside jokes!

[NOTE: The purpose of this channel is not to offer legal services. I am a lawyer who plays games, but not a lawyer who has anything to do with video game law, and I keep my personal practice separate from the Gaming Lawyer channel. I am often confused with Ryan the Video Game Attorney, who actually practices law in the areas relevant to gaming and YouTube. You can find him on Twitter at]
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