Dungeon Dudes
Dungeon Dudes's Channel
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Dungeon Dudes
The Dungeon Dudes bring you Player's Guides, Game Master advice, roleplaying tips, reviews and more videos for Table Top Roleplaying Games. New episodes released Tuesdays and Thursdays!

See the Dungeon Dudes play D&D 5e Live in "DUNGEONS OF DRAKKENHEIM"! The show streams Tuesdays from 6 PM to 9 PM EDT at twitch.tv/dungeon_dudes, with video-on-demand episodes available the following Friday on our channel.

Please direct any sponsorship or promotional inquires to dungeondudes@ellify.com

We are an Amazon Associate and earn from qualifying purchases through affiliate links in our video descriptions.

Created by Kelly McLaughlin and Monty Martin.

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