Buzzing Zombee
Buzzing Zombee's Channel
Buzzing Zombee has no videos available.
Buzzing Zombee
TGN Partner. I will be uploading weekly from 10th May 2014 and live streaming on Twitch too. If you love Call of duty please subscribe to my channel. I play most game modes on COD Extinction, Zombies, MW3 Survival and Ghost Squad modes. I play with some top youtubers too so if you want to be part of the legit community please stay tuned.

TGN Partnered 25/04/2014
100,000 Video views 05/2014
700 subs 05/2014
1st 30k video 20/08/2014
1,000 Subscribers 29/10/2014
10,000 Subscribers................
20,000 Subscribers................
50,000 Subscribers................
100,00 Subscribers................
1,000,000 Subscribers............
Zombie High Rounds

Origins 197 Xbox freeze
Mob of the dead 100 suicide
Die Rise 90
Town 60 suicide 58G_spawn w/r
Kino Der Toten 100 solo 66 co-op
Ascension 100 solo 87 co-op
Der Riese co-op 66
Shi No numa 78 w/r
Channel Comments
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