Darcy Bono Creations
Darcy Bono Creations's Channel
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Darcy Bono Creations
Darcy Bono Creations
I am a freelance commission painter who started painting in 2004, when a friend introduced me to Warhammer Fantasy. I dabbled in the hobby throughout the years, but started back in earnest in 2017. Now it's my sole hobby and obsession.

MY GALLERY, SPONSORS AND COUPONS: https://linktr.ee/Darcy_Bono_Creations

Favorite Armies 40k: Orks and World Eaters
Favorite Armies AoS: Beasts of Chaos, Ironjawz, Sylvaneth
Painting style: Hero models or squads. Bright, clean and striking. Prefer organic natural aesthetic to sci-fi or industrial grunge.
Play Style: Aggressive, high risk-high reward, MELEE!

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