Revise Pictures
Revise Pictures's Channel
Revise Pictures has no videos available.
Revise Pictures
Who are we? We are a exclusive moviemaking/editing team, which currently is focused on providing t​he best editing content possible for you. We put a lots of effort in it. We are based on games such as Counter-Strike game series and Call of Duty. If you feel like you are up to our team standards - feel free to app us.

Appclip requirements:
1. No dual clips.
2. No pre-recorded clips / cinematics.
3. No length limits, but we'd like to see clips which are at least 20+ seconds.
4. Your application must be exclusive.
5. Only CS and COD game series allowed to the application (once you get into the team, you can edit whatever you want).

If you have any questions about appclips, or anything else - feel free to visit our web site!
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