Ghost Wiskas
Ghost Wiskas's Channel
Ghost Wiskas has no videos available.
Ghost Wiskas
TO THE USERS: Thanks for everything, but I'm done!

TO YOUTUBE: It is not worthy waste ones time uploading for this YT crap just for them to find out 1 video 6 years later is copyright and act like pussy little children and fuck ones account for 6 months. What the fuck is this ? Kindergarten ? 53 files that I have here, ALL COPYRIGHTED, MOTHERFUCKERS ! FUCK YOUTUBE ! There are, out there, hundreds of trackers for users to download, complete albums with great quality, movies, games, courses, programs, whatever the users want. FUCK YOUTUBE ! The future of this crap YT will be 30 seconds of Jimmy Kimmel jerk off videos and 10 second videos ''giving'' cracks, trainers, a blowjob, after ones complete a survey. FUCK THIS SHIT ! WANNA DELETE THIS ACCOUNT ? FUCK YOUTUBE, I GOT OTHER ACCOUNTS, MOTHERFUCKERS, if I wanna see or search for anything remotely interesting will do. ''Channel Tips'' ? - go put your fucking whore mothers in the alley !
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