OneBlackRoseArt's Channel
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We believe that almost anything broken can be fixed. But deeper into the depth of how it needs to be fixed is a delicate subject. It depends on which material the broken subject is made of. For example, a vase that is broken can be glued together, or a car can be fixed by ordering a new part. But it gets deeper. A heart is made of a certain substance that can be fixed by a transplant, or it can be (figuratively speaking) shattered into a million pieces where words of kindness or love has to be used as glue. Cold hearts, dark hearts and large hearts make up people. We feel that our paintings portray this in each painting's story. We paint unique abstract paintings for ourselves and for anyone who desires something beyond cool hanging on their walls. Just as Medusa turns people into stone with one look, .....One look at our paintings is instant injection of a certain un-said magical story. Go to our website at to see or purchase our paintings.
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