My Avatar was edited for me by GodsVoiceHotsuma
Avatar: Young Yuki Sakurai from back when he was at the orphanage
Name: Yuki
Last name: Giou/Sakurai
Partner: Zess(Luka Crosszeria)
Race: Human/Angel/God of Light
Orentation: Bisexual
Status: Alive
Gendar: Male/Female(I m currently rping Yuki as a male)
Age: 15-16
Anime: UraBoku
Occupation: High School Student, Zwelt Guardian's Master, Giou Clan
Eye Color: Golden
Hair color: Brown
Personality: Good natured, caring, polite, kind, dislikes being a burden on others, very good with young children, address others with honorifics, attempts to make friends with even those who hate him, he would "Sacrifice himself for the good of others."
Avatar: Young Yuki Sakurai from back when he was at the orphanage
Name: Yuki
Last name: Giou/Sakurai
Partner: Zess(Luka Crosszeria)
Race: Human/Angel/God of Light
Orentation: Bisexual
Status: Alive
Gendar: Male/Female(I m currently rping Yuki as a male)
Age: 15-16
Anime: UraBoku
Occupation: High School Student, Zwelt Guardian's Master, Giou Clan
Eye Color: Golden
Hair color: Brown
Personality: Good natured, caring, polite, kind, dislikes being a burden on others, very good with young children, address others with honorifics, attempts to make friends with even those who hate him, he would "Sacrifice himself for the good of others."
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