Hey everyone this is SegaSaturnGamer48 ( Now known as TheVideoGamer64.) . I'm a fan of the Nintendo 64, Super Nintendo and other consoles that are made from Nintendo, PlayStation, X-Box, Atari, Sega, and more. I hope everyone enjoys my channel. Feel free to subscribe to me to see more videos on my channel. :)
Icon Created By My Friend CazOSX
Banner Created By: CazOSX
Friend code on Mario Kart Wii 0562-9933-2335
I am also on my other YouTube channel name MrArcadeRetroGamer64
I am on Google +, Facebook, Twitter. The links to each of my pages are down below
Icon Created By My Friend CazOSX
Banner Created By: CazOSX
Friend code on Mario Kart Wii 0562-9933-2335
I am also on my other YouTube channel name MrArcadeRetroGamer64
I am on Google +, Facebook, Twitter. The links to each of my pages are down below
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