La Yegua Abanderada
La Yegua Abanderada's Channel
La Yegua Abanderada has no videos available.
La Yegua Abanderada
Fresh and tasty mead awaits us in the tavern.

Channel currently dedicated to helping both trophies and achievements that involve bugs or glitches and that lack information in the Spanish language, generally the most confusing, complicated, patched and other substitutes regardless of gender. Help videos for these same games with little information on the Internet.
Weekly podcast coming soon.

My tavern is yours, standard bearers! Soul of a podcaster. Expect anything...

1- Any lack of respect is absolutely prohibited, both for the streamer and for any chat user.

2- It is not a channel for video game "philosophers". You can contribute your grain of sand depending on the circumstance, but both spoilers and trying to teach the streamer how to play are prohibited. My channel, my rules. If you accept that, here you will be an important part of this channel, since we always give a voice to all our viewers!

3- Do not write in capital letters.
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