Dr. Mumbi Show
Dr. Mumbi Show's Channel
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Dr. Mumbi Show
The Dr. Mumbi Show is one of Africa’s most highly rated online TV news analysis talk shows with a huge following across sub Saharan Africa and among Africans living in the diaspora. The programs are centered around Africa’s Political, Cultural, Social & Spiritual News Analysis, and a prophetic show forecasting & covering the end time revival that is unfolding across Africa & among the people of African descent.

- Join us every DAY for the latest news coming out of Africa!
- Join ud every SATURDAY for interviews with Great African Minds from around the Global Africa
- Join us every SUNDAY for ur Wake Up Africa segment where we look at the tools need for the restoration of Africa.

Personal mantra:

“Other peoples perception of me is none of my business.”

*Wake Up Africa* ❤️
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